Articles Written By: Piotr Burnos

Posters and flyers

On the Seminars page posters and flyers have been added to download, as well as minor changes have been applied in calendar of seminars. Also a new page has been added which includes seminars taught by Sensei students.

Message from Sensei

 Year of 2012 is getting closer to its end.
I hope all of you had a meaningful, enjoyable and positive year. Speaking for myself, it was once again a very busy year but I enjoyed any place I went for seminars. Thank you very much for taking care of an old man.

Year of 2013 will be again a busy year for me and it is always nice to know that I am wanted by people. It gives me strong motivation and push me keep on going. I know that I still have to put more efforts to make Sansuikai a better organization for you. It will be my resolution of 2013.

Wishing you to have a wonderful holiday season.
Y. Yamada

Seminars postponed

Sensei’s seminars in Poland and in Lithuania have been postponed to May 2013.

Seminar in Brussels

In Gallery photos from seminar in Brussels has been published.


Photos from seminar in Kopstal

New photos from seminar in Kopstal has been published in Gallery.


Photos from seminar in Barcelona

New photos from seminar in Barcelona has been published in Gallery (courtesy of Daniel Aguirre from Hikari Dojo).

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Sansuikai International Members’ Meeting in Barcelona



During the seminar in Barcelona on 23 – 25 March 2012, there was a meeting of instructors belonging to Sansuikai International. Sensei Yamada clearly emphasized the aim of establishing this organisation:

Sansuikai can be thought of as an “agreement” aimed at supporting my European students in terms of organisation. However, it is a non-political and non-profit organisation and does not constitute competition to national federations. That is why, instead of using the word “organisation” I prefer to use “agreement”, which should be based on four principles: Friendliness, Fairness, Freedom and Flexibility

Sensei Yamada emphasized that only those dojos in which instructors are his direct students and regularly participate in his seminars (at least three times a year) can become members of the organisation. Participation in seminars and commitment to training are the main conditions set by Sensei for his students.

During the meeting in Barcelona, Sensei awarded Fukushidoin (up to 3rd Dan) and Shidoin ( 4th Dan upwards) certificates to Sansuikai instructors.

More information on the subject of Sansuikai International and the requirements which Sensei sets for his students can be found here.

Oster seminar in Rosenheim

Jochen Maier Sensei from Shusoku Aikikdo Schule Rosenheim and Andreas Baer will be teaching a seminar on April 6 – 9, 2012. More details You can find here.

New member

We are happy to inform that new dojos have been accepted as Sansuikai members by Yamada Sensei. Please find Casablanca Aikikai from Morocco at members page.


Peter Van Marcke Sensei from Antwerpen Aikikai will be teaching a seminar in other Sansuikai dojo in Stuttgart on April 21-22, 2012. More details You can find here.